Random Thoughts on my 43rd Birthday
The shift from the first half of life to the second is not easy, but it is essential. My pastor refers to the different stages of life as rounding the bases on a baseball diamond. Each base path represents roughly 20 years of life. Consequently, every turn is essential, or we risk being in the “outfield.” The pivotal turn comes at second base, where you become open to new interior freedoms. Although I had my “mid-life” moment at 36, it takes years to trust this new way of seeing…this new way of being.
Here are a few things that struck me today, my 43rd birthday: (Yes, I know that the photo is upside down; see number 1 on the list.)
- Seeing the world upside down is seeing it right side up. (Thank you, St. Peter)
- Sinatra’s album, Nice and Easy, still captivates me every time I listen to its entirety.
- Poetry is fun to write.
- Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness are daily necessities, both with others and yourself.
- Good coffee is mandatory.
- Different opinions don’t upset you when you no longer “need” to be right.
- The freedom of the will is a signpost of love.
- Trying to hit a golf ball consistency well will cause you to have a drink, therefore…
- Good scotch is worth the price.
- Friendships matter, ALOT.
- Le français est amusant à apprendre.
- Truth is found in paradox.
- Real manhood is measured in the ability to be vulnerable.
- Watching sports without fans isn’t that fun.
- Beauty can lead us to goodness and truth (Objective truth)
- I miss traveling.
- Being a stay at home father is not only the most challenging but most rewarding vocation… especially now that I am also a virtual teacher. (Refer to good scotch is worth the price).
- Teachers are heroes.
- Culture influences our view of life more than we know.
- Words matter…they really do reflect the heart.
- Giving people the benefit of the doubt, not just in words, is liberating.
- People will hurt you. (Refer to number four on the list.)
- Prayer works. But not in the way you want it to. Thank God.
- “Essential workers” need a raise.
- Giving yourself permission to have a bad day is vital.
- Being in nature brings healing and wonder.
- Quietly and consistently doing good is more heroic than a one-time act of heroism.
- I still love saying “tschüss” (even with an occasional double “ciao”)
- Maturity is in the number of times your thoughts include “both/and”
- Intentionally standing in the rain is glorious.
- Loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving others; otherwise, we use the people we supposedly love. That said, loving yourself does not mean using the criteria the culture says to use; rather, it is the ability to see your true created self as a gift to be shared.
- Watching the sunrise over the ocean is a once a year must.
- Get over yourself…you are worth it.
- 1984 might have been the single best year for music.
- Life is hard…Life is WONDERFUL.
Cheers to another grateful beautiful challenging year ahead…
Tschüss zäme!!

Lois Bondor
Your words lifted me, as they so often do. Thank you, and Happy Birthday. Having rounded third base, I can say with certainty “the game ain’t over yet!”
Brett Illig
Thank you, Lois. Amen to the fact “it ain’t over till it’s over!”