I am a 47-year-old married stay-at-home father of two boys. I love to write, sports, art, architecture, spirituality, and Nespresso—maybe a wee bit of whisky, too.
This blog is a place to give a voice to an ever-changing life in motion.
A reality where I wrestle with what once was (former professional athlete, former youth minister, former founder/director of a sports ministry called the Message of Hope Foundation, ex-pat living in Switzerland) to what is…making peanut butter and jelly, doing laundry, and being a taxi driver to the boys.
All in all, this is a place where I reflect on my journey, a journey that seeks the beauty, the good, and the truth in all things.
“Until we walk with despair, and still have hope, we will not know that our hope was not just hope in ourselves, in our own successes, in our power to make a difference, in our image of what perfection should be. We need hope from a much deeper Source. We need a hope larger than ourselves.
Until we walk with personal issues of despair, we will never uncover the Real Hope on the other side of that despair. Until we allow the crash and crush of our images, we will never discover the Real Life beyond what only seems like death. Remember, death is an imaginary loss of an imaginary self, that is going to pass anyway.
This very journey is probably the heart of what Jesus came to reveal.”-Richard Rohr
If you would like to follow along, I would love for you to be on this journey with me.
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Richard Gump Devaney
I loved reading your write about the corner in Phoenixville. Thank you for sharing!
Brett Illig
Thank you Richard. Wishing you all the best.
Dennis Dungee
Hey Brett, glad to hear you and the family are doing well. Been a long while but my dad catches me up when he has the chance to see you. Been catching up on all your blogs and have signed up to keep following them. Looking forward to the podcasts as well. Keep up the great work!
BTW…you share your birthday with my older daughter…cheers to 43 (which comes my way Feb 12)!!!
Brett Illig
Hey Dennis, thank you so much for checking in. I hope that you and your family are well, would love to catch up. BTW, 43 is wonderful (besides a few more aches and pains!!)