• Blog,  Random Places We Go (Photos)

    The Story of Paris

    There is something about the telling of a story that captures our imagination. It could be the anticipation of discovering the plot and then feeling the excitement of watching it unfold.  Or maybe the landscapes, culture, and time frame in which the story takes place allow us to enter these places just for a moment.  Yet, above all else, it seems the characters themselves arrest us the most.  Their personalities. Their virtues. Their vices.  Their achievements and their failures.  We love the characters because, deep down, we know that we are taking part in our own stories.  Therefore, we imagine ourselves within their roles because maybe we need to escape,…

  • Blog,  Random Places We Go (Photos)

    Feeling the Falls

    Photos were taken at Trümmelbach Falls in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland.  They are considered to be the largest underground waterfalls in Europe. Growing up, I remember thinking that my tendency to be introspective was a deficiency, almost a sign of weakness.  So much so that in certain circles, especially when participating in sports, I often felt less masculine.  I had bought into the “men don’t feel, men don’t cry, men don’t show emotion” mantra.  I remember feeling like I always had to turn off my thoughts but never could.  As a result, my natural tendencies to feel and think brought about many insecurities. I am less insecure about it today, but I…

  • Blog,  Random Places We Go (Photos)

    Bern, Switzerland

    Bern, Switzerland, has been our home city for about a year.  Even though we live just outside of the city in the village of Worb, my wife Amy goes to work there every day, and it is where my kids love to walk the arcades and look in the shops.  The slow pace and beautiful architecture of the capital city of Switzerland captivate us every time we walk its century-old streets. One of my goals for this New Year is to explore a new place in Switzerland at least once a week.  Whether that is a day excursion into the Alps, exploring the many different trails and lakes, or experiencing…

  • Blog,  Random Places We Go (Photos)

    Mürren, Switzerland

      Yesterday, on a beautiful Saturday, we spent the day in Mürren, Switzerland, before a storm arrived. We explored the quaint town with snow-covered streets (for skiers to navigate) and magnificent views of the Alps. We eventually made our way up to Allmendhubel, where we had lunch, and the boys got to play on the most incredible playground ever!!! Aside from its beauty, Amy and I have enjoyed Switzerland’s pace of life. The Swiss people’s intentional emphasis on “slowing down” is reflected in the quality of life here and a distinct focus on the family. No matter where you go, there seem to be activities for families to enjoy the beautiful…