• Blog,  Poetry

    The Image

    (The picture is inside of the Duomo di San Martino Cathedral in Lucca, Italy) There is an image that gives me comfort,I love it with every ounce of my being.Like a teddy bear or a blanket,I grip it tightly and bury my thoughts into its disturbing appearance.I have been drawn to its presence all of my life,I love this image with every ounce of my being. There is an image that I resist,I despise it with every ounce of my being.Like a teddy bear or a blanket,I am drawn to the comfort that I feel in my avoidance,I am addicted to the smile that is birthed when I dismiss it,I am…

  • Blog,  Poetry

    The Bridge

    The first step, that very first step So hard but filled with such emotion Our feelings propel us to act They propel us to move So we step We walk Yet, the more that we walk Our feelings fail us They die We are exposed Our inner most identities cry out Our daily activities no longer hide our desires We are left with simply ourselves We are on the journey Our anxiety builds So we look left, we look right We look for anything to save us We even look behind us But our past can’t help us now We are on the journey Our bodies ache Our thoughts run…

  • Random Places We Go (Photos),  Poetry,  Blog

    A Single Tree

    One of the things that my wife and I love is the “single trees” that fill the landscapes all over Switzerland. Here are a few in our village of Worb. This has made me wonder, beyond their beauty, what a single tree can teach us about our spirituality and relationship with God. A Single Tree Today, I stand in silence,And it prompts me to be still To be stillAnd hold onto my wordsTo be stillAnd resist the need to actTo be stillAnd reside within my name Rooted in Your creationI lose my statureI lose my fullnessI lose my looksThank You Rooted in Your creationI gain my statureI gain my fullnessI…

  • Blog,  Random Places We Go (Photos),  Poetry

    Exaltation of the Cross

    There is a great light that shines from the Cross of Christ. A light full of grace that glistens my soul and illuminates the darkness and dysfunction of my human capacity. Oh the grace. A light full of mercy that corrodes my desire to “feel good” and exposes my attachments to the things that cause injury. Oh the mercy. A light full of hope that swallows the source of my pain onto Himself so that through darkness I might find life. Oh the hope. Today the Church proclaims the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Here are some of the crosses that have caught my eye over the last…

  • Poetry,  Blog

    The Paradox of the Road

    It is within the journey that I find myselfIt is within the silence that I speak the language of peaceIt is within becoming a child that I have the capacity to be an adultIt is within the view from my knees that I see clearlyIt is within death that I find lifeIt is within the great unknown that I find the presentIt is within this life that I find eternal Love.