
Mürren, Switzerland

This entry is part [part not set] of 152 in the series A 5-Minute Holiday
This entry is part [part not set] of 151 in the series A 5-Minute Holiday


We spent the day in Mürren, Switzerland yesterday on a beautiful Saturday before a storm made its way in.  We explored the quaint town with its snow covered streets (for skiers to get around) and magnificent views of the Alps.  We eventually made our way up to Allmendhubel where we had lunch, and, where the boys got to play on the coolest playground ever!!!

One thing that both Amy and I have really enjoyed about Switzerland, aside from its beauty, is its pace of life.  It seems that the intentional emphasis on “slowing down” by the Swiss people can be reflected in not only the quality of life here but a distinct focus on the family.  No matter where you go, there seems to be activities for families to not only enjoy the beautiful scenery but also to experience its diverse culture.

The human family has received from the Creator a common gift: nature.

-Pope Francis, Laudato Si

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In search of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Here are some moments along the way.


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