• Blog,  Poetry

    A Hidden Truth

    There is a calming truth hidden with the tide.Repetitive,Releasing,Relentless,For those who pay attention. The surge rushes ashore.Carries,Crashes,Crushes,The burden of a mind. The ebb returns in peace.Slowly,Steadily,Silently,Purifying the content of a soul. The continuous pattern cleanses.Filtering,Freeing,Forming,A heart filled with gratitude. There is a calming truth hidden with the tide.Vitality,Vulnerability,View,Of a life not my own.

  • Sports,  Blog

    Now More Than Ever, We Need the Wisdom of Sports

    Sports have mostly returned after being shut down due to COVID-19. From international and national football (soccer) to MLB, NBA, and golf, games have at least returned to TV for our pleasure. Although much is different due to all of the necessary health protocols, the essence of sports, competition, and what it means to be a part of a team, fans are back. We should revisit some of those truths in light of our current culture. Detachment I love sports, from competing to watching them as a fan to now being the father of children participating in sports. Sports can teach lessons to all of us, no matter our relationship…

  • Blog

    A Fire of Hope

    The light slowly and quietly breaks the dark condition of the horizon. The first glimpse of the sun gives energy to all who see and feel it. The canvas of colors instantly invites us into a renewal that we all know so well, for it is offered daily. A renewal of life. A revival of our hearts. A restoration of our souls. Peace. Beyond the peace, we feel a burning desire that smolders from within: a desire to start anew, escape the past, take a step forward, and breathe. We yearn to be fully alive right here and now in the present. We might call this intense desire Hope. Over…

  • Blog

    A Plea for Truth

    As our National Independence Day has come and gone, the state of our country continues to experience turbulent times. Problems that have been thrown onto us (Corona-19) and problems we have thrown onto ourselves (racism and its after-effects). It is also an election year that can bring the noise to a deafening pitch. It can be hard to decipher what is true through 24/7 news headlines and the blurbs and opinions from our social media feeds from all sides claiming to speak the truth. This reflection is not a political plea or to give another opinion to the millions already out there; instead, this is more of a plea to…

  • Blog

    Gift of Silence

    Due to COVID-19, the world community has paused. Humanity has been forced to stop, allowing for a type of collective vulnerability that has rarely, if ever, happened before. This shared experience has forced us to examine ourselves individually and culturally in ways we might never have been able to do during our times of “normalcy.” The first observation is one of sadness. Sadness for those who have died, usually alone, and for the families who have had to watch a loved one die from afar. Sadness for the millions who have lost their jobs and, with that, their dignity, and now struggle to find ways to support their families and…

  • Blog

    The Greatest Illusion

    For the last few nights at the dinner table, we have been reading excerpts from the book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. I can’t recommend this book enough, whether you are 12, 22, 42, or 92 years old.   This passage from the book struck me most last evening… the dialogue between all four characters (boy, mole, fox, and horse) stood lakeside, watching the beautiful and peaceful swans pass by.  “How do they look so together and perfect?” Asked the boy. “There’s a lot of frantic paddling going on beneath,” said the horse.   “The greatest illusion,” said the mole, “is that life should be perfect.”   -Charlie…

  • Blog

    A Stomping Joy

    Watching my middle school-aged son wrestle with his desire for independence while finding comfort in boundaries is entertaining, to say the least. The meltdown over cleaning up a granola bar wrapper and the contentment of knowing what is expected of him is fascinating to watch. Is it that upsetting that you are expected to throw the empty box of Pop-Tarts into the recycling bin instead of putting it back in the pantry? Which, by the way, is right below you? Being his father, I have found the answer to those questions to be a resounding “YES!” Of course, it isn’t enjoyable to him. It is a stage-appropriate resistance to both…

  • Blog

    Listening to Time

    Tick. Tick. Tick. If we are quiet enough, the constant tick of a second hand can penetrate the subconscious and even seep into the depths of our souls. It is the sound of a more profound truth that we both yearn for and fear. I remember hearing a story in Switzerland, the land of “time,” about a young gentleman who came into a store to look for a watch. After inspecting a particular watch for about five minutes, he looked up at the owner and asked, “What can it do?” The store owner replied, “It tells the time.” “That’s it?” asked the young gentleman, and walked out. Time is an…

  • Blog

    A Beautiful Closure

    There was a moment. Dawn. The birth of a new day. It was the eighth day of our return to Switzerland, and the first rays of sunlight illuminated the mountain peaks of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau, or “the Big Three,” as we like to call them. I arose early and walked outside at 6:15 AM to catch a glimpse of the sights and sounds I missed in my dreams and conscious thoughts since we moved back to the States. As I began to walk the narrow paths and streets of Mürren, Switzerland, I rediscovered that deep sense of awe that had struck me so many times before. The air, the…