
Some Random Thoughts at 44

Every year around my birthday, I love to come up with random thoughts that strike me at this stage of my life.  Reviewing what I came up with last year, I realized how much I am still in the same mindset.  (I’m not sure if that is good or bad.) So, with a few add-ons and clarifications (all in bold)…here are a few things that strike me this year:

  1. Seeing the world upside down is seeing it right side up. Thank you, St. Peter.  (From this perspective, perceived loss is a gain, perceived weakness is strength, and true greatness is found in humility. )
  2. Sinatra’s album, Nice and Easy, still captivates me every time I listen to its entirety.  (Still does, especially the tracks, “Nevertheless” and “Mam’selle.”)
  3. Poetry is fun to write.  (I haven’t done much writing this past year, see #17.  That said, I look forward to writing more frequently now that in-school learning is underway.)  
  4. Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness are daily necessities, both with others and yourself. (Amen!)
  5. Good coffee really is mandatory. (Alleluia!!)
  6. Different opinions don’t upset you when you no longer need to be right. (I love getting older because as the age goes up, your ego dissipates.)
  7. The freedom of the will is a signpost for love. (Makes you really value “freedom” in the upside-down kind of way, refer to #1. )
  8. Hitting a golf ball consistently well will cause you to want to have a drink, therefore…
  9. Good scotch is worth the price. (So is good bourbon!!)
  10. Friendships matter, ALOT.  (And you realize this in small numbers.)
  11. Le francais est amusant a apprendre. (Merci, pour ma vie!)
  12. Truth is found in paradox. (100%)
  13. Real manhood is measured in the ability to be vulnerable. (Most will confuse this with weakness, when in actuality it may be the most heroic aspect of a well-lived life.)
  14. Watching sports without fans isn’t that fun. (Love listening to the fans again!!)
  15. Beauty can lead us to goodness and truth…Objective truth.  (Subjective truth is slowly killing our society.)
  16. I miss traveling. (Grateful for our trip to Maine this year.)
  17. Being a stay-at-home father is not only the most challenging but most rewarding vocation… especially now that I am also a virtual teacher. (Refer to #9 and #3)
  18. Teachers are heroes. (Yes, they still are and always have been.)
  19. Culture influences our view of life more than we know. (Being in tune to both the positive and negative aspects of one’s culture only helps when welcoming other people from a different culture to your own.)
  20. Words matter, they really do reflect the heart. (Say what you mean, mean what you say!)
  21. Giving people the benefit of the doubt, not just in words, is liberating. (This has been an area where I have felt incredible internal freedom.)
  22. People will hurt you. Refer to #4 on the list. (77 times +… Mt. 18:22)
  23. Prayer works. But not in the way you want it to. Thank God.  (My prayers this year have been rooted in silence, contemplation, and most of all listening.)
  24. “Essential workers” need a raise. (Especially first responders!)
  25. Giving yourself permission to have a bad day is vital. (Perfectionism seems to be a way of avoiding some sort of pain.)
  26. Being in nature brings healing and wonder. (I have been so grateful to be involved with Peak Encounter Ministries.  Not only have I been doing weekly social media posts over the course of the last year or so, but I also have been featured in the book, Peak Encounters: A Spiritual Field Guide for Adventurous SoulsSo much perspective and grace can be found while being still in God’s Creation.)
  27. Quietly and consistently doing good is more heroic than a one-time act of heroism. (The anti-social media way of living…once again refer to #1!)
  28. I still love saying Tschuss…even with an occasional double ciao! (And Salut!)
  29. Maturity is found in the number of times you use the phrase “both/and” (All religions, politics, sports, parenting, and pretty much you name it would be better off with a bit more of “both/and!”)
  30. Intentionally standing in the rain is glorious. (Wind has also been one of my favorites, there is something about its ability to penetrate the soul.)
  31. Loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving others; otherwise, we use the people we supposedly love. That said, loving yourself does not mean most things that the culture says it to be; rather, it is the ability to see your true created self as a gift to be shared. (Pride really is the root of all sin, and usually is masking deep insecurity.)
  32. Watching the sunrise over the ocean is a once-a-year must. (Mix in a sunset too if you can, the picture above).
  33. Get over yourself…you are worth it. (See #12) 
  34. 1984 might have been the single best year for music. (After further review, I believe somehow the best years of music during the ’80s happened every other year, ’82, ’84, ’86, ’88)
  35. Life is hard…Life is WONDERFUL. (Life is most interesting when immersing it into the great Theo-drama, and not settling for the narrow confines of our small lives and egos.)

Cheers to another year ahead, which involves daily gratitude, grace, and humility.

In search of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Here are some moments along the way.


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