• Blog

    Coming Out of Hibernation

    As we come out of hibernation due to the lockdowns, is anyone else feeling a bit overwhelmed dealing with other people again? I feel like my patience is razor-thin when it comes to interacting with others in any capacity. Don’t get me wrong, being around, conversing with, and engaging with real live people has been wonderful; that said, my patience is fried already. One area of concern I have noticed is the complete chaos on the roads. I think we all are a bit rusty when it comes to four-way stop signs, driving in the passing lanes on the highway, and just overall driving skills. What in the world is…

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    “Shining Like The Sun”

    There was a moment last week that gave me great pause.  Standing in the middle of an outdoor shopping area watching people walk by, I was struck with a profound feeling of wonder. Blame it on the Covid-19 shut-in orders, blame it on not being out and about regularly in almost a year, blame it on sitting every day with my 4th-grade son teaching him. Still, there I was, engaging in an ordinary, mundane activity of heading to the store before a snow storm yet being swept away with feelings of wonder and awe. Namely, to be in the presence of others.   What a gift. Standing still and watching people…

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    Gift of Silence

    Due to Covid-19, the world community has paused. Humanity has been forced to stop, allowing for a type of collective vulnerability that rarely, if not ever, has happened before. Through this joined experience, we have been forced to look at ourselves both individually and culturally in ways we might never have been able to do so during our times of “normalcy”. The first observation is one of sadness. Sadness for those who have died, usually alone, and for the families who have had to watch a loved one die from afar. Sadness for the millions who have lost their jobs and with that, their dignity, and now struggle to find…