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    Mürren, Switzerland

      We spent the day in Mürren, Switzerland yesterday on a beautiful Saturday before a storm made its way in.  We explored the quaint town with its snow covered streets (for skiers to get around) and magnificent views of the Alps.  We eventually made our way up to Allmendhubel where we had lunch, and, where the boys got to play on the coolest playground ever!!! One thing that both Amy and I have really enjoyed about Switzerland, aside from its beauty, is its pace of life.  It seems that the intentional emphasis on “slowing down” by the Swiss people can be reflected in not only the quality of life here but…

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    The Call of a Father

    There was a scene in the new Star Wars film The Force Awakens that captivated me.  I must admit I am not a Star Wars expert or fanatic, but I grew up watching the original trilogy like most young boys of my generation and I loved it.  So now being a father myself and watching the new film with my eight-year-old son made the experience that much more memorable. Without spoiling anything, the scene I mention for those who saw the movie is the one that left most of us gasping with a collective “WHY?”  It was the scene in which Hans Solo confronts his son, Kylo Ren.  For those…