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    Human, A Christmas Carol

    Last week while driving home from dropping the kids off at school, I heard the first Christmas carol of the season.  Well, sort of.  It was an accident, and it wasn’t necessarily a Christmas carol by nature.  Because Switzerland does not inundate their radio stations and stores with traditional Christmas songs weeks before Christmas, Human by the Human League, at least on one level, served to be the first one I heard all season. Now before you think I have been drinking too much Gluhwein, let me try to explain.  I admit that I am an 80’s freak, so anything from the 1980s is ranked high on my list.  The…

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    Christmas Market

    Switzerland is known for their beautiful Christmas Markets.  With this being our first Christmas Season in Switzerland we are excited to visit many markets around the country. Here are some pictures from our first Christmas Market in  Brienz, Switzerland. “The season of Advent is like springtime in nature, when everything is renewed and so is fresh and healthy. Advent is also meant to do this to us — to refresh us and make us healthy, to be able to receive Christ in whatever form he may come to us.”  -Blessed Teresa of Calcutta   

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    Happy Thursday

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American family and friends both at home and abroad. For us, it was our first Thanksgiving living in a country that doesn’t celebrate the holiday.  As a result, yesterday was a normal day for us here in Switzerland. It was a school day for my boys.  It was a work day for my wife Amy.  And it was a grocery store and laundry day for me. It was a Thursday. There were no high school football games to attend.  There were no parade’s to watch.  There was not an all-day eating and drinking binge.  And there will be no leftovers for today.  There was…

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    Paris, Death, and Uncertainty

    It has been one week since evil raised its head in Paris. One week. One week of news reports about those who carried out these attacks. One week of wondering how this could happen again. One week of speculating what and who is next. There was a moment last Saturday afternoon, less than 24 hours from the time the first bullets flew and the first bombs detonated, that I watched my four year old son play outside as if there was no evil in the world. He played with such intensity. He played with such vigor. He played as if death did not show its head less than 4 hours away in a city…

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    The Crumbs of Holiness

    A couple of days ago, I had a bit of a temper tantrum over the ever-present crumbs that continue to find their home in our house. Some like to live on our kitchen floor. Some would rather stay on the countertops. And some like the view of our dining area from underneath the table. As much as I try to escort them out of our house with a ride in the vacuum, their friends seem to take their places immediately. It is a battle that is never ending. And one that triggers things within me that are not pleasant. Now, I don’t have to look very far to see who…