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    A Hidden Truth

    There is a calming truth hidden with the tide.Repetitive,Releasing,Relentless,For those who pay attention. The surge rushes ashore.Carries,Crashes,Crushes,The burden of a mind. The ebb returns in peace.Slowly,Steadily,Silently,Purifying the content of a soul. The continuous pattern cleanses.Filtering,Freeing,Forming,A heart filled with gratitude. There is a calming truth hidden with the tide.Vitality,Vulnerability,View,Of a life not my own.

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    The Bridge

    Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. -Pope Francis The first step,  that very first step So hard but filled with such emotion Our feelings propel us to act They propel us to move So we step We walk  “It’s better to feel pain than nothing at all.  The opposite of love is indifference.” -The Lumineers, “Stubborn Love” Yet, the more that we walk Our feelings fail us They die We are exposed Our inner most identities cry out Our daily activities no longer hide our desires We are left with simply ourselves We are on the…