Some Random Thoughts at 44
Every year around my birthday, I love to come up with random thoughts that strike me at this stage of my life. Reviewing what I came up with last year, I realized how much I am still in the same mindset. (I’m not sure if that is good or bad.) So, with a few add-ons and clarifications (all in bold)…here are a few things that strike me this year: Cheers to another year ahead, which involves daily gratitude, grace, and humility.
Moments in Time: Worb, Switzerland
This week’s “moment in time” takes us to Worb, Switzerland….specifically to a particular bench, one of my favorite places to sit and regain perspective. Worb is a small village southeast of the city of Bern. It was our home for 4 1/2 years while we lived in Switzerland. We loved it. We lived in a house that sat halfway up the “Worb Hill,” as we would often refer to it. Down the street sat the 13th-century Worb Schloss, Worb Castle. We stayed in the converted stable of the NeuSchloss, or the New Castle of Worb. Here is a fun fact about the Neuschloss: the Von Grafienrieds family has owned the…
The Paradox of the Road
It is within the journey that I find myselfIt is within the silence that I speak the language of peaceIt is within becoming a child that I have the capacity to be an adultIt is within the view from my knees that I see clearlyIt is within death that I find lifeIt is within the great unknown that I find the presentIt is within this life that I find eternal Love.