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    Not Just Another Day

    It was the fourth Thursday in November and there was a chill in the air.  The leaves had changed and in some cases the trees were already bare awaiting the cold winter months that lie ahead.  It was a school day.  It was a work day.  It was just another day in Switzerland.  But it wasn’t just another day for us Americans…it was Thanksgiving. Last year was the first year that we spent Thanksgiving in Switzerland.  It was a surreal day for me personally because instead of attending the local high school football game in the morning I dropped the kids off at school.  Instead of spending the day with…

  • Blog

    Happy Thursday

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American family and friends both at home and abroad. For us, it was our first Thanksgiving living in a country that doesn’t celebrate the holiday.  As a result, yesterday was a normal day for us here in Switzerland. It was a school day for my boys.  It was a work day for my wife Amy.  And it was a grocery store and laundry day for me. It was a Thursday. There were no high school football games to attend.  There were no parade’s to watch.  There was not an all-day eating and drinking binge.  And there will be no leftovers for today.  There was…