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    The Whispers of Nature

    I have to admit, I never think about Earth Day much, partly because my love for nature and creation is deeply a part of me; therefore, every day is kind of an “Earth Day.” That said, I understand the significance of naming a day to ponder and take inventory of our common home and relationship to all things created. Here are a few thoughts on this day. Nature can teach us so much about ourselves, others, life, and God. It can bring us to the truth. If we are open, the mystery of nature can move us from the beautiful to the good, to the true. The “big sky” of…

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    A Beautiful Closure

    There was a moment. Dawn. The birth of a new day. It was the 8th day of our visit back to Switzerland and the first rays of sunlight illuminated the mountain peaks of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau, or the “big three” as we like to call them. I arose early and walked outside at 6:15 AM to catch a glimpse of the sights and sounds that I missed both in my dreams and in my conscious thoughts since we moved back to the States. As I began to walk the narrow paths and streets of Mürren, Switzerland I rediscovered that deep sense of awe that had struck me so many…

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    Weather, Writing, and Truth

    As the emerging clouds roll in here in Switzerland, they not only threaten the last glimpse of sunlight but also your plans for the day.  And yet, just as the clouds move in and the rain comes down, the sun can reappear just as quickly, and with it, unexpected opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. The weather in Switzerland is unpredictable to say the least.  The surrounding Alps have the ability to both hold in and prevent weather patterns to emerge which result in the drastic changes that we experience.  (A few of us even refer to the weather as being schizophrenic in nature) On one hand the ever-changing weather can…

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    A Single Tree

    (One of the things that my wife and I both love are the “single trees” that shower the landscapes all over Switzerland.  Here are a few in our village of Worb. This has made me think, beyond their beauty, what can a single tree teach us about our spirituality and relationship with God) A Single Tree Today I stand in silence, And it prompts me to be still To be still And hold onto my words To be still And resist the need to act To be still And reside within my name Rooted in Your creation I lose my stature I lose my fullness I lose my looks Thank…