• Blog,  Moments in Time

    Moments in Time: Worb, Switzerland

    This week’s “moment in time” takes us to Worb, Switzerland….specifically to a particular bench, one of my favorite places to sit and regain perspective.   Worb is a small village southeast of the city of Bern. It was our home for 4 1/2 years while we lived in Switzerland. We loved it. We lived in a house that sat halfway up the “Worb Hill,” as we would often refer to it. Down the street sat the 13th-century Worb Schloss, Worb Castle. We stayed in the converted stable of the NeuSchloss, or the New Castle of Worb. Here is a fun fact about the Neuschloss: the Von Grafienrieds family has owned the…

  • Blog

    The Castle on the Hill

    A few weeks ago, the lyrics echoed through the household just as I heard them for the first time.  Years ago, when driving my two sons down a narrow country road in Worb, Switzerland. “I’m on my way Driving at ninety down those country lanes Singing to “Tiny Dancer” And I miss the way you make me feel, and it’s real We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill” -Ed Sheeran “Castle on the Hill” Listening then, as we passed the 12th Century Worb Castle like we did every day, I couldn’t help but wonder what impact this song, this place and this castle would have on all…

  • Poetry,  Random Places We Go (Photos),  Blog

    A Single Tree

    One of the things that my wife and I love is the “single trees” that fill the landscapes all over Switzerland. Here are a few in our village of Worb. This has made me wonder, beyond their beauty, what a single tree can teach us about our spirituality and relationship with God. A Single Tree Today, I stand in silence,And it prompts me to be still To be stillAnd hold onto my wordsTo be stillAnd resist the need to actTo be stillAnd reside within my name Rooted in Your creationI lose my statureI lose my fullnessI lose my looksThank You Rooted in Your creationI gain my statureI gain my fullnessI…