• Blog

    Love Is

    We use love in many of our sayings. We attach love to all kinds of emotions and feelings. We believe we love others when we are satisfied with how we order them into our world. We do these things believing we know what love is. We do these things believing we are in control. It is natural to try to control the very thing we desire most because, in some ways, we want to believe that having control will make us safe and secure.  Safe from pain and free from feeling empty. But somehow, we know better.  Deep down, we know that love can’t be caught and controlled.  Instead, it…

  • Blog


    It’s summer. Which means less structure.  Late nights.  Travel.  And time to enjoy the warmth of the sun. For many of us we have spent the last few months counting the days until the first day of summer.  Yet, after spending one week with our children in the house all day, it can also be the time when we count the days until school begins again. I am currently experiencing the second summer in Switzerland comprised of these types of days with my boys.  Days in which I am both very grateful for and don’t ever want to change.  For I know it is time that I will never get…

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    Weather, Writing, and Truth

    As the emerging clouds roll in here in Switzerland, they threaten the last glimpse of sunlight and your plans for the day.  And yet, just as the clouds move in and the rain comes down, the sun can reappear just as quickly, and with it, unexpected opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. The weather in Switzerland is unpredictable.  The surrounding Alps can both hold in and prevent weather patterns from emerging, which results in drastic changes.  (A few of us even refer to the weather as being schizophrenic) On the one hand, the ever-changing weather can create fluctuating landscape portraits.  This is why you can take a picture from the same…

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    A “Religious” Walk Home

    One night, while walking home from my small Swiss village of Worb, I had an intense “religious” experience.  This experience prompted childhood memories of my past and gave my present-day desires and future longings a place and time to be experienced. The pathway home was lit only by the full moon’s reflective light, which reminded me of walking down a dark Pennsylvania road as a boy, wanting nothing more than to know who I was in relation to this big world.  At the same time, the dark Swiss countryside was calling me to be present not only to my desires of today but also to my cravings for what is…

  • Blog,  Poetry

    The Bridge

    The first step, that very first step So hard but filled with such emotion Our feelings propel us to act They propel us to move So we step We walk Yet, the more that we walk Our feelings fail us They die We are exposed Our inner most identities cry out Our daily activities no longer hide our desires We are left with simply ourselves We are on the journey Our anxiety builds So we look left, we look right We look for anything to save us We even look behind us But our past can’t help us now We are on the journey Our bodies ache Our thoughts run…

  • Blog

    Language of Love

    Every morning at 6:08 a.m., my son’s voice can be faintly heard from his bedroom. “Mommy…can I have some milk, please?” The communication is straightforward, and his words convey precisely what he wants. Living abroad gives you a new understanding of communication.  Here in Switzerland, four languages are spoken, depending on the region you find yourself in.  It also doesn’t help when you don’t realize that you have crossed into a different region.  For instance, a simple “thank you” can be “Merci,” “Bitte,” or “Grazie”, depending on where you find yourself. More often than not, when the standard means of communication (language) breaks down, you sometimes have to resort to…