Moments in Time: Helena, MT
This week’s “moment in time” takes us to Helena, Montana. The state capital of Montana, Helena, became known as the “Queen City of the Rockies” due to the boom of the 1864 gold strike. That said, baseball brings us to the beautiful city of Helena today—specifically, June 1996. We find ourselves at Kendrick Legion Field, home of the Milwaukee Brewers Rookie Ball Team at that time. I was a skinny 18-year-old boy playing for the Great Falls Dodgers, the Rookie Ball Team for the Los Angeles Dodgers. It was the opening night of the Pioneer League, and we had a road series against the Helena Brewers. Great Falls, Montana,…
“Shining Like The Sun”
There was a moment last week that gave me great pause. Standing in an outdoor shopping area, watching people walk by, I was struck with a profound wonder. Blame it on the COVID-19 shut-in orders, blame it on not being out and about regularly in almost a year, blame it on sitting every day with my 4th-grade son teaching him. There I was, engaging in an ordinary, mundane activity of heading to the store before a snowstorm, yet being swept away with wonder and awe. Namely, to be in the presence of others. What a gift. Standing still and watching people frantically move about to get milk and bread before…
Moments in Time: Worb, Switzerland
This week’s “moment in time” takes us to Worb, Switzerland….specifically to a particular bench, one of my favorite places to sit and regain perspective. Worb is a small village southeast of the city of Bern. It was our home for 4 1/2 years while we lived in Switzerland. We loved it. We lived in a house that sat halfway up the “Worb Hill,” as we would often refer to it. Down the street sat the 13th-century Worb Schloss, Worb Castle. We stayed in the converted stable of the NeuSchloss, or the New Castle of Worb. Here is a fun fact about the Neuschloss: the Von Grafienrieds family has owned the…
Eyes Without a Face
Early in the pandemic, whenever I wore my mask at the grocery store, the words to a Billy Idol tune immediately came to mind. Bagging my asparagus, I couldn’t help but hum “Eyes Without a Face.” Over the last few months, I have thought of that song at every store I have been to. (Admittedly, I sing rather than hum, which is beside the point.) Although I love 80s music, specifically that song, something else sparked the lyrics. When mask restrictions are in place, we may be invited to a more profound way of seeing one another. Like most things, we may be offered a more truthful way of seeing…
Modern-Day School Day
It is a lunch break, so I have time to throw some thoughts together as I sit with my 4th grader. So here it goes. To the children who hold back tears throughout the day when they feel completely overwhelmed with virtual school, you are not alone. To the parents who balance so much at the moment while watching the frustration build in their children only to be the ones to catch the brunt of that frustration, you are not alone. To the excellent teachers doing fantastic with what you are being asked to do, given the circumstances, you are not alone. With all of this tension and frustration, it…
Random Thoughts on my 43 Birthday
A Moment in Time
Sometimes, in our lives, we are fully present in a moment. Birth of a child, the loss of a loved one, falling in love, traveling, experiencing different cultures, or being taken over by the beauty of nature. During these times, our senses, minds, and souls are open to an enlightened grace and higher consciousness…we are open to a deeper reality and profound beauty. That said, there are other times when we see the same unseen truths only by reflecting on our past. As we reflect on specific moments, the hidden grace, beauty, and truth become visible through our ongoing life experiences. It is one of the many ways that getting…
A Hidden Truth
There is a calming truth hidden with the tide.Repetitive,Releasing,Relentless,For those who pay attention. The surge rushes ashore.Carries,Crashes,Crushes,The burden of a mind. The ebb returns in peace.Slowly,Steadily,Silently,Purifying the content of a soul. The continuous pattern cleanses.Filtering,Freeing,Forming,A heart filled with gratitude. There is a calming truth hidden with the tide.Vitality,Vulnerability,View,Of a life not my own.
Now More Than Ever, We Need the Wisdom of Sports
Sports have mostly returned after being shut down due to COVID-19. From international and national football (soccer) to MLB, NBA, and golf, games have at least returned to TV for our pleasure. Although much is different due to all of the necessary health protocols, the essence of sports, competition, and what it means to be a part of a team, fans are back. We should revisit some of those truths in light of our current culture. Detachment I love sports, from competing to watching them as a fan to now being the father of children participating in sports. Sports can teach lessons to all of us, no matter our relationship…