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    Domodossola, Italy

    On a whim, I decided to take a 7:35 am train from Bern, Switzerland to Domodossola, Italy.  The one and half hour train ride is a beautiful ride down through the Bernese Alps.  Although it was cloudy and a bit foggy on the Switzerland side of the Alps, as soon as we crossed through the tunnel and came out into Italy the sun was shining. Domodossola is a quaint little town in northern Italy that has a beautiful old section to it.  Once arriving at the station it is a quick 5-10 minute walk up the main street before you reach the side-street that brings you over to the old…

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    Venice, Italy

    A quick recap of our recent trip to Venice, Italy.  We had a great time exploring this beautiful and truly unique city.   Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go. -Truman Capote