The Bridge
The first step, that very first step
So hard but filled with such emotion
Our feelings propel us to act
They propel us to move
So we step
We walk

Yet, the more that we walk
Our feelings fail us
They die
We are exposed
Our inner most identities cry out
Our daily activities no longer hide our desires
We are left with simply ourselves
We are on the journey

Our anxiety builds
So we look left, we look right
We look for anything to save us
We even look behind us
But our past can’t help us now
We are on the journey

Our bodies ache
Our thoughts run
But our hearts desire to move on
For they know
The worst thing that we can do
Is to not walk at all.

“The worst prison would be a closed heart”
-St. John Paul II
(Pictures were taken at the suspension bridge in Leissigen, Switzerland, overlooking Lake Thun.)