• Blog,  Sports

    Baseball, Friendship, and Bathroom Prophecy

    Since returning to the States, it has been great to reconnect with some friends. Due to the time difference while living in Switzerland, it was hard to connect even if the desire existed. That said, it’s incredible how easily you can pick up right where you left off with your close friends. This made me think, what makes a connection like this possible? One good friend of mine is someone that I met while playing professional baseball. We were both 18 years old and fresh out of high school. We immediately connected with the same love of music, but honestly, besides that, there wasn’t much of a commonality. He was…

  • Blog

    Finding Freedom

    I recently read an article suggesting that people over 70 feel more content and are happier now than at any other point.  Some of the reasons proposed were more free time to do what they enjoyed, such as hobbies and spending time with family and friends.  Other reasons suggested worrying less and not caring what other people think anymore. What freedom. You have the freedom to do what you want and with whom you want to, and more importantly, you experience interior freedom while doing it. I am a few years from 70, well 30 to be exact in September, but I long for the interior freedom that this study…

  • Blog

    Love Is

    We use love in many of our sayings. We attach love to all kinds of emotions and feelings. We believe we love others when we are satisfied with how we order them into our world. We do these things believing we know what love is. We do these things believing we are in control. It is natural to try to control the very thing we desire most because, in some ways, we want to believe that having control will make us safe and secure.  Safe from pain and free from feeling empty. But somehow, we know better.  Deep down, we know that love can’t be caught and controlled.  Instead, it…