
A Man and His Crocs

This entry is part [part not set] of 152 in the series A 5-Minute Holiday
This entry is part [part not set] of 151 in the series A 5-Minute Holiday

How many pairs of crocs does one man really need?

I know, crocs are not the most stylish, but in my opinion you can’t beat the price and comfort. So why not have multiple pairs, Crocsright?

Well, having gone through the move overseas to Switzerland one thing is glaringly true, we have too much stuff!!

As we prepared for the move, we had to go through our things and decide what we were going to take. This included the embarrassing amount of our boys toys that my wife Amy and I went through, not to mention clothes, furniture, kitchen utensils, and of course my crocs.

As we packed, Amy and I both thought we were doing great with getting rid of the things we had never used or wore especially within the last year or so.

Then we arrived in Switzerland.

Because most of our stuff was shipped over on a boat, which took about 6 weeks or so, we were living the first month in our new house with rental furniture and a limited amount of clothes.

As a result, we quickly realized that we could live quite comfortably with the things we packed in our suitcases that came with us on the plane, and really didn’t miss anything else.

So when the container of our stuff finally got here, on one hand we were excited at the thought of sleeping in our own bed, on the other we realized quickly that we still owned way too much stuff.

My "Outside" Crocs
My “Outside” Crocs

Moving has been a spiritual experience on many levels. One of them being the realization of not necessarily having the stuff that we have, but our attachment to them.

I don’t know if I can part ways with my crocs just yet, but I am working on it.

Does anyone need a pair? Size 12’s?

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In search of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Here are some moments along the way.


  • Tracey

    Amen! Every time we move we purge more “stuff” and are getting ready to do a spring cleaning to purge more “stuff!”
    It’s amazing what we really can live without!
    Crocs, on the other hand. I have a hard time purging them too 🙂 I love me a good pair of crocs!
    Love reading about your life in Switzerland. Tell everyone the Rezapour’s said HI! Kaiden was just asking about Jack yesterday and how he wishes he could have a play date with him.

  • Brett Illig

    Hi Tracey,
    Happy Easter to all of the Rezapour crew!! Jack is sitting next to me and wants Kaiden to come over today and play…(Vacation??)
    Yes, it is amazing how much less you can live on when you either have to or decide to. And, I have not decided to give up my crocs yet!!!
    Thanks for reading…
    All the best to you guys.

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