
A Moment in Time

This entry is part [part not set] of 152 in the series A 5-Minute Holiday
This entry is part [part not set] of 151 in the series A 5-Minute Holiday

There are times in our lives when we are fully present to a moment. Birth of a child, a loss of a loved one, falling in love, traveling, experiencing different cultures, or being taken over by the beauty of nature. During these times, our senses, minds, and souls are open to an enlightened grace and higher consciousness…we are open to a deeper reality and profound beauty.

That said, there are other times when we come to see the same unseen truths only through the reflection of our past. As we begin to think back to specific moments throughout our lives, all of the hidden grace, beauty, and truth, become visible to us through our ongoing life experiences. I guess you could say that it is one of the many ways that getting older is truly a beautiful process.

With this spirit in mind, in a few weeks, I hope to begin a 5-minute weekly podcast that examines a single moment in time. I thought it would fun to revisit a Friday evening in Paris, standing on the corner where the Boulevard Saint-Michel meet the Quais de la Seine. Opening night of the Pioneer League (professional baseball) in Helena, Montana, as an 18-year-old young man playing with the rookie ball team for the Los Angeles Dodgers. A bench in the small village of Worb, Switzerland, which provided a quiet, safe place to rest during the storms of my thoughts and fears.

The hope would be that the podcast could serve to be a short, 5-minute getaway or rest stop amid the turmoils and uncertainties we are facing.

A light-hearted fun “holiday” for all and another journey for the soul…

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
-Henry Miller

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In search of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Here are some moments along the way.


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